
像孩子一樣 發表于 2021-11-29 08:55:28

飛鳥集15 欣賞

140真理穿了衣裳,覺得事實太拘束了。在想象中,她卻轉動得很舒暢。truth in her dress finds facts too tight.in fiction she moves with ease.141當我到這里那里旅行著時,路呀,我厭倦你了;當是現在,當你引導我到各處去時我便愛上你,與你結婚了。when i travelled to here and to there, i was tired of thee, o road,but now when thou leadest me to everywhere i am wedded to thee in love.142讓我設想,在群星之中,有一顆星是指導著我的生命通過不可知的黑暗的。let me think that there is one among those stars that guides my lifethrough the dark unknown.143婦人,你用了你美麗的手指,觸著我的什物,秩序便如音樂似的生出來了。woman, with the grace of your fingers you touched my things and ordercame out like music.144一個憂郁的聲音,筑巢于逝水似的年華中。它在夜里向我唱道:“我愛你。”one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years.it sings to me in the night, ---i loved you.145燃著的火,以它熊熊的光焰警告我不要走近它。把我從潛藏在灰中的余燼里救出來吧。the flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes.146我有群星在天上,但是,唉,我屋里的小燈卻沒有點亮。i have my stars in the sky.but oh for my little lamp unlit in my house.147死文字的塵土沾著你。用沉默去洗凈你的靈魂吧。the dust of the dead words clings to thee.wash thy soul with silence.148生命里留了許多罅隙,從中送來了死之憂郁的音樂。gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.149世界已在早晨敞開了它的光明之心。出來吧,我的心,帶著你的愛去與它相會。the world has opened its heart of light in the morning.come out, my heart, with thy love to meet it.
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