
像孩子一樣 發表于 2021-11-29 08:53:19

飛鳥集10 欣賞

90在黑暗中,“一”視如一體;在光亮中,“一”便視如眾多。在靜聽著的松林之間。in darkness the one appears as uniform; in the light the one appearsas manifold.91大地借助于綠草,顯出她自己的殷勤好客。the great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass.92綠葉的生與死乃是旋風的急驟的旋轉,它的更廣大的旋轉的圈子乃是在天上繁星之間徐緩的轉動。the birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddywhose wider circles move slowly among stars.93權勢對世界說道:“你是我的。”世界便把權勢囚禁在她的寶座下面。愛情對世界說道:“我是你的。”世界便給予愛情以在它屋內來往的自由 。power said to the world, "you are mine."the world kept it prisoner on her throne.love said to the world, "i am thine."the world gave it the freedom of her house.94濃霧仿佛是大地的愿望。它藏起了太陽,而太陽原是她所呼求的。the mist is like the earth's desire.it hides the sun for whom she cries.95安靜些吧,我的心,這些大樹都是祈禱者呀。be still, my heart, these great trees are prayers.96瞬刻的喧聲,譏笑著永恒的音樂。the noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.97我想起了浮泛在生與愛與死的川流上的許多別的時代,以及這些時代之被遺忘,我便感覺到離開塵世的自由 了。i think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and loveand death and are forgotten, and i feel the freedom of passing away.98我靈魂里的憂郁就是她的新婚的面紗。這面紗等候著在夜間卸去。the sadness of my soul is her bride's veil.it waits to be lifted in the night.99死之印記給生的錢幣以價值,使它能夠用生命來購買那真正的寶物。death's stamp gives value to the coin of life; making it possibleto buy with life what is truly precious.
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