
像孩子一樣 發(fā)表于 2021-11-29 08:48:17

飛鳥集9 欣賞

80我的朋友,你的語聲飄蕩在我的心里,象那海水的低吟聲繞繚在靜聽著的松林之間。your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled soundof the sea among these listening pines.81這個不可見的黑暗之火焰,以繁星為其火花的,到底是什么呢?what is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?82使生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉之靜美。let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.83那想做好人的,在門外敲著門;那愛人的看見門敞開著。he who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds thegate open.84在死的時候,眾多和而為一;在生的時候,一化為眾多。神死了的時候,宗教便將合而為一。in death the many becomes one; in life the one becomes many.religion will be one when god is dead.85藝術(shù)家是自然的情人 ,所以他是自然的奴隸,也是自然的主人。the artist is the lover of nature, therefore he is her slave and hermaster.86“你離我有多遠呢,果實呀?”“我藏在你心里呢,花呀。”how far are you from me, o fruit?i am hidden in your heart, o flower.87這個渴望是為了那個在黑夜里感覺得到,在大白天里卻看不見的人。this longing is for the one who is felt in the dark, but not seenin the day.88露珠對湖水說道;“你是在荷葉下面的大露珠,我是在荷葉上面的較小的露珠。”you are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, i am the smallerone on its upper side," said the dewdrop to the lake.89刀鞘保護刀的鋒利,它自己則滿足于它的遲鈍。the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness ofthe sword.
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