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240 爆竹呀,你對群星的侮蔑,又跟著你自己回到地上來了。 rockets, your insult to the stars follows yourself back to the earth. 241 您曾經(jīng)帶領(lǐng)著我,穿過我的白天的擁擠不堪的旅程,而到達了我的黃昏的孤寂之境。 在通宵的寂靜里,我等待著它的意義。 thou hast led me through my crowded travels of the day to my evening's loneliness. i wait for its meaning through the stillness of the night. 242 我們的生命就似渡過一個大海,我們都相聚在這個狹小的舟中。 死時,我們便到了岸,各往各的世界去了。 this life is the crossing of a sea, where we meet in the same narrow ship. in death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds. 243 真理之川從它的錯誤之溝渠中流過。 the stream of truth flows through its channels of mistakes. 244 今天我的心是在想家了,在想著那跨過時間之海的那一個甜蜜的時候。 my heart is homesick today for the one sweet hour across the sea of time. 245 鳥的歌聲是曙光從大地反響過去的回聲。 the bird-song is the echo of the morning light back from the earth. 246 晨光問毛茛道:“你是驕傲得不肯和我接吻么?”are you too proud to kiss me? 247 小花問道:“我要怎樣地對你唱,怎樣地崇拜你呢?太陽呀?” 太陽答道:“只要用你的純潔的素樸的沉默。”how may i sing to thee and worship, o sun?by the simple silence of thy purity, 248 當(dāng)人是獸時,他比獸還壞。 man is worse than an animal when he is an animal. 249 黑云受光的接吻時便變成天上的花朵。 dark clouds become heaven's flowers when kissed by light. / ^" m3 `2 S, r1 q9 l# n